27th Graduation – The Glory of ALLAH

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Allhumma Solli A’la Muhammad wa a’la ali Muhammad kama sollaita a’la ibrahim wa a’la ali Ibrahim fil a’lamina innaka hamidun Majjid.


Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh, good morning/afternoon…Our Honorable guests Madam Qutren Nada Ahmad, CEO CIC Group of Companies, Mr Azizi Ahmad, Executive Director CIC Group of Companies…. Fellow Franchisees, representative of Abedeen Academy, dear parents, teachers, and our young leaders…


Today, I’m very happy and determined as we come together to celebrate the graduation of our young leaders from CIC Where Leaders Are Born. This year, our teachers and young leaders have demonstrated great dedication and perseverance. I’d also like to congratulate all of you for your strong support and dedication to your children’s education, which has played a key role in their success today. The teachers worked hard to ensure every child enjoyed their time in CIC while focusing on the quality of learning. Congratulations to all teachers and Young Leaders! All your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed. Today marks a big step toward your bright future, InsyaAllah.


Dear parents,

As you can see from the screen, apart from our ongoing campaign Childhood Is Crucial, this year’s theme will be focusing on “The Glory of Allah,” Let’s think about the word, بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” Solely, from this word, we can understand that Allah is the one who brings creations from nonexistence to life, who provides the means for the creations to continue life and who will forgive our sins in the Hereafter. From just this holy word, it reflects Allah’s kindness, His benevolence that is everywhere, even in difficult times. Everything in the world and the Hereafter shows how amazing Allah is.


Dear Parents,

In life, we should remember that nothing really belongs to us. Our abilities, talents, and even our successes are gifts from Allah. When we appreciate the beauty in the world, the goodness in others, and the talents in ourselves, we are essentially praising Allah.

In all moments of lives, we want our young leaders to always remember Allah in everything they do. When things are tough, they should know     لا اله الا الله (“there’s no god but Allah) When they’re worried, they shall remember ما شاء الله.”it’s what Allah wills.” When good things happen,  الحمد لله, it’s “thanks to Allah”! In times of success, الشكر لله “praise be to Allah.” When they see something amazing, سبحان الله “Allah is perfect.” When they make mistakes, استغفرالله “I seek forgiveness from Allah.” In hard times, they should remember انا لله و إنا اليه راجعون “we belong to Allah and to Him, we will return.” When they need help, توكلت على الله they should turn to Allah, and always remember that all power is with Allah, the Most High, the Most Powerful,

 لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلى العظيم.


This core belief helps them understand that all things belong to Allah. This understanding keeps them away from being arrogant, egoistic, and selfish. Our goal at CIC is to nurture young leaders who are compassionate, selfless, and full of humility, for it is through these qualities that we can help solve many issues that afflict our world today.


Dear parents,

In today’s world, we see how egoism, selfishness, and self-interest cause suffering, just like how we can see it now, in the ongoing tragedy in Palestine. The acts of violence and harm to vulnerable people show how selfishness leads to terrible suffering. It is the same selfishness that often makes us choose what helps us and ignore what doesn’t, even if it’s the right thing to do. If we still hold onto our selfishness, we will unfortunately remain in this dark place. On the other hand, believers (Mu’mineen), grounded in their faith, will not engage in such conflicts because they understand the value of selflessness and working for the sake of Allah. They unite around a shared purpose and direction, free from the darkness of selfishness.



At CIC, we’re determined to develop our young leaders with values and beliefs that will break this cycle. Today, as we celebrate their success, we look forward to a brighter future where selflessness and the acknowledgment of Allah’s greatness are most important.  As at CIC, future leaders are born, we are sending them into the world, with hope that they will live by these principles and inspire others to do the same.


In conclusion, let’s remember that “The Glory of Allah” isn’t just a theme – it’s a way of life. Let us guide our children together, so we work toward a kinder world, InsyaAllah. Finally, let us all remember to keep our Palestinian brothers and sisters in our thoughts and prayers. Al Fatihah.


Thank you.

Narges Zeynab Azizi – Deputy CEO

26th Graduation – Deputy CEO

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Allhumma Solli Ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad kama sollaita a’la ibrahim wa a’la ali Ibrahim fil a’lamina innaka hamidun Majjid.


Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh, good morning/afternoon…Our Honorable guests, dear parents, teachers and our young leaders…


(Please allow me to sing a short phrase of a song)

 Congratulations and celebrations!

To all of our young leaders today!

Congratulations and jubilations!

To all of our young leaders today!


Congratulations Young Leaders! 


Dear parents,

I would like to first introduce myself. Some of you may have seen me but I guess most of you have not. I’m Narges Zeynab. (Video slideshow) This was me 18-20 years ago… wearing the same T-shirt that your children may be wearing when they’re in CIC.. Yes, I was once in CIC too! Yes, I was once a young leader too. I have spend half of my life in CIC.


Some of my teachers are still here dedicating their life in developing our Young Leaders. Shout out to TEACHER NAZIATI! TEACHER ZANA! TEACHER ROHAIDA! TEACHER SALISA! TEACHER ZIRA! TEACHER MARINA , TEACHER SUZI and TEACHER SOFI! (Please give them a round of applause!)


Through their dedication, Alhamdulillah, after I left CIC as a graduate, I continue to strive. I was a bright student in primary school, I strived in my elementary school, I was always at the top of my class, and recently I have also graduated with a first class honour degree in Management with Economics from Goldsmiths University of London. And I believe I’m only one of many other graduates of CIC who are striving out there, InsyaAllah. It’s thanks to them, I have a strong foundation in life. Synonym with the name of CIC, Childhood is indeed Crucial.


Dear parents,

This year, our teachers and Young Leaders have demonstrated great dedication and perseverance. The teachers worked really hard to ensure every child enjoyed their time in CIC while focusing on the quality of learning. I am proud to see our Young Leader’s overwhelming participation in many activities including CIC’s Pocket, Merdeka roadshow, educational trips and many other thematic based activities. Congratulations again to all teachers and Young Leaders! All of your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed, and it brings me great happiness to see you all achieve such success. I hope our young leaders today will continue their excellence in every future step of their life, InsyaAllah!


Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to take this opportunity to address some matter that has recently been viral on the internet. That is, regarding the claim of a parent that their child was bullied by another child in CIC. Alhamdulillah, after a thorough internal investigation with all the witnesses involved, together with the police, we came to a consensus that it is not a case of bullying.


Dear parents,

CIC strictly stands against the action of bullying and CIC has clear rules against bullying. Our teachers are given training on prevention and intervention for any bullying cases that may occur at any of CIC centres. We need you to trust our teachers. I understand every parent here only wants the best for their child. We do too! We want the best for all young leaders in CIC! Our young leaders in CIC come from many backgrounds. It is during their time in CIC, they learn to develop their language, social interactions and emotional development. CIC is the place where this small community meets. Thus, it is our responsibility to make sure that every child in CIC gets the guidance they need to become great people and every action taken by us is very crucial in the life of the children.


Dear Parents,

Next year, we will remain committed to our current campaigns. We want to be known as a place that puts emphasis on ‘CIC’, that is Childhood Is Crucial. We want to be a place where children can be ‘CIC’, that is a Cheerful Innovative Classroom. Please look forward to many more exciting and innovative activities from our teachers and Young Leaders that correspond to our campaigns: Childhood Is Crucial & Cheerful Innovative Classroom. It is our promise to serve our prestigious customers with increased dedication in years to come.


Thank you so much and congratulations again for all Young Leaders who have graduated with CIC Where Leaders Are Born

CIC’s 25 Years of Excellence Graduation 2021

CIC’s 25 Years of Excellence Graduation 2021

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum wrt wbt 

Alhamdulillah & Selawat 


Today, I would like to congratulate our teachers, parents, and especially our Young Leaders who had completed their studies and lessons with CIC Where Leaders Are Born! Despite the challenges of the pandemic that we faced, Alhamdulillah, we managed to complete it with flying colors. Congratulations again Young Leaders! 


Dear parents, 

This year our teachers and Young leaders have demonstrated great dedication, perseverance and worked incredibly hard to overcome many challenges including managing physical activities as well as adapting to online classes. For instance, even through online sessions, our Young Leaders are exposed to many science concepts and manage to do a lot of Steam &  Stem activities.  

Moreover, I am beyond proud to see our Young Leaders’ overwhelming participation in creating their own “Magical Book,” which I believe is very helpful in giving them the exposure and experience they need in their early years. Indeed, today I have witnessed the positive growth demonstrated by our Young Leaders. Congratulations again to all teachers and Young Leaders! All of your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed, and it brings me great happiness to see you all achieve such success.  


Dear parents,  

This year we are celebrating our 25th year of anniversary. For us, being in the education industry for 25 years means that we have become a trusted brand among parents. It also means CIC continuously adheres to constant innovation as we have always made sure that we adapt to the most effective teaching approaches to stay relevant and ensure CIC’s prolonged existence. Striving for 25 years also proves that we have always been adding values and benefiting the community at large. We have become the leader in the industry, as many other industry players are also following our footsteps and looking up to CIC as the model of success.  

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my highest gratitude to all our parents who have been supporting us since the beginning. I have noticed that for the past 25 years, our valuable parents have viewed CIC as part of their self-image and reflected their personalities. I believe our positive parents hold good quality of characters and come from good families, InshaAllah. Most of our parents are advanced or maybe leaders of their communities. I could see that all our parents shared our mission and vision. Thank you again! 


Dear parents, 

We are excited to let you know that for this upcoming year, our academic team especially, have been planning to offer a lot more exciting activities for our students! Therefore, I look forward to seeing most of the children continue with CIC Where Leaders Are Born.  

I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that we are launching new CIC campaigns for 2022! Our new campaigns are Childhood Is Crucial and Cheerful Innovative Classroom! Though most of you may probably already be aware of it.  


Through the campaign of Childhood Is Crucial, we want to deliver and advocate the message of the importance of childhood. We want everyone, especially parents, to know that childhood is the most crucial turning point of people’s lives as it is the foundation in building personalities and characters. It is the time where children learn a lot about life through observing people around them. It is the time when children’s brain develops and much of its ‘wiring’ is laid down. Childhood Is Crucial is a campaign to raise awareness among adults, especially parents to always give, create and choose the best childhood experience for their little ones. 

Cheerful Innovative Classroom  is also another campaign that we are introducing this upcoming year! This campaign largely highlights our dedicated team, especially our teachers, the frontliners who are always warm, cheerful and committed to make sure every classroom in CIC is cheerful and innovative. Our team is committed to provide many innovative ideas in order to make sure our Young Leaders to enjoy their learning experience with CIC. It is our promise to serve our prestigious customers with increased dedication in years to come.   


I look forward to see more students with us, InshaAllah. Therefore, stay with us CIC Where Leaders Are Born. Thank you so much and congratulations again for all Young Leaders who have graduated with CIC Where Leaders Are Born. 


Thank you. 


Preschool Education Needs

KUALA LUMPUR, July 1 (Bernama) — Preschool education needs a shift to ensure it remain relevant and able to cater to the development needs of a child as well as that of the people and country, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

Preschool education should be futuristic in line with the country’s aspiration to create a learned society that was resilient and disciplined, and one which stayed true to its faith and national identity, in line with the 1Malaysia spirit, he said.

“We can translate this vision through a holistic and futuristic preschool education system which is not too academic-centric,” he said when opening the 2010 National Preschool Education Conference here Thursday.

The four-day event, which focuses on finding the best practice in the implementation of national preschool curriculum, was attended by the ministry’s Secretary-General Tan Sri Dr Zulkurnain Awang, Education Director-General Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom and Deputy Education Director Datuk Noor Rezan Baboo Hashim.

Muhyiddin, who is the Education Minister, said preschool teachers should also be trained to provide a fun-learning environment in school.

“Preschool teachers play an important role because they are the first to formally teach our children.

“They should be able to imbibe a strong foundation to ensure these children can be successful in education,” he said.

Muhyiddin said that up till end of May, preschool enrolment had increased to 70.4 per cent from 67 per cent previously.

“I’m confident that with the commitment shown by all, the target of achieving 72 per cent in preschool enrolment this year can be achieved,” he said.

He also noted that more unregistered preschools showing interest to register with the government.

Meanwhile, speaking at the Education Ministry’s Excellent Service Awards in Putrajaya, Muhyiddin said the ministry was taking steps to enhance the country’s education including reviewing the schooling system, carrying out restructuring at the ministry’s level and enhancing the qualities of teachers and school administrators.

“I am banking on all of you, the staff of the ministry, to give your highest commitment to realise the country’s education development programme,” he said.

Muhyiddin said that the government’s various initiatives such as the 1Malaysia vision, Government Transformation Programme, New Economic Model and the 10th Malaysia Plan, provided the ministry with huge challenges.

“To carry out all these initiatives, civil servants, particularly the staff of the ministry, should offer creative and innovative ideas to strengthen the ministry’s delivery system,” he said.

CIC’s Drama Class 2011

CIC’s Drama class will be held during month of November and December 2011. The actual schedule will be issued later.

Benefits of Drama Class:

  1. To provide students with confidence and self awareness.
  2. The students are taught to consider the impact of pitch, tone and body language during conversation.
  3. To speak politely in correct sentences.
  4. Learn to control their feelings.
  5. Being emotionally aware and emotionally intelligent.
  6. To improve the language and increase vocabulary in both languages, Bahasa Melayu and English.

Interested parents can email to [email protected]

CIC’s Ramadhan Roadshows

KUALA LUMPUR 29 Jun – Lebih seribu pelajar Pusat Perkembangan Minda CIC atau Children Islamic Centre (CIC) terlibat menjayakan persembahan yang hebat di dalam program CIC’s Ramadhan Roadshows yang diadakan di beberapa pusat perniagaan terkemuka di Lembah Klang pada hari minggu sepanjang bulan Ramadhan.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CIC, Qutren Nada Ahmad berkata, “Objektif utama aktiviti tersebut adalah untuk meningkatkan keyakinan diri kanak-kanak, seawal usia empat tahun dan menerapkan nilai murni melalui persembahan yang disampaikan”. “Keyakinan diri adalah kunci kejayaan dalam hidup, adalah penting untuk kita bina keyakinan diri mereka seawal mungkin, tambahan pula generasi muda hari ini akan menghadapi zaman global yang lebih mencabar.Untuk terus berjaya, kita harus pastikan mereka boleh berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah, standing dengan generasi muda negara-negara maju yang lain”. “Bukan mudah untuk melatih kanak-kanak untuk mengadakan persembahan sempurna dan menakjubkan terutamanya di atas pentas di hadapan khalayak ramai.Namun berkat kesabaran guru-guru yang sanggup berusaha lebih dan sokongan ibubapa, hari ini kita lihat kanak-kanak CIC tampil dengan penuh yakin pada diri, mampu membuat persembahan yang sangat membanggakan”.“Umur yang sangat muda tidak menjadi halangan, persembahan yang dilakukan bukan sahaja melebihi kebolehan rakan sebaya yang lain, malah setanding kebolehan pelajar-pelajar remaja”. CIC’s Ramadhan Roadshows ini yang telah diadakan 5 tahun berturut-turut telah berjaya mencungkil bakat dan meningkatkan keyakinan diri ribuan pelajar CIC. Kajian menunjukkan pengalaman semasa kanak-kanak memberi kesan positif yang akan berlarutan sehingga dewasa, lebih-lebih lagi jika suasana di rumah dan kualiti pembelajaran prasekolah menyediakan kanak-kanak dengan asas yang kukuh dan permulaan yang baik. Tambah Qutren Nada, berikutan dengan tema CIC tahun ini iaitu, Leaders Are Readers, Readers Are Leaders, pihaknya banyak memilih persembahan yang memerlukan kanak-kanak banyak membaca seperti persembahan bacaan sajak atau poem dalam Bahasa Inggeris, pantun dan juga choral speaking. Ini adalah untuk menggalakkan tabiat membaca di kalangan kanak-kanak supaya tabiat tersebut dibawa sehingga dewasa. CIC dengan mottonya, “Melahirkan Pemimpin” merupakan pusat perkembangan minda yang menawarkan pakej pendidikan kepada pelajar 3 – 12 tahun. CIC mempunyai 56 cawangan di seluruh negara.Program-program pendidikan ini telah memenangi beberapa anugerah dan antara yang terbaik di Asean. Maklumat lanjut berkenaan CIC boleh didapati di www.cic.com.my.


Choosing a pre school for your child can be a very overwhelming task.

The key is to find a preschool that is a good fit for your child. With so many aspects to consider and the many different schools available, here are reasons CIC Where Leaders Are Born should be at the top of your list of preschools.


Teachers at CIC Where Leaders Are Born are warm and caring; greeting your children with a smile and seeing them off with warm hugs, making your child feel at home and look forward for more days at school. With a strong background in Education and Early Childhood Care, teachers are enrolled for many different training programmes to develop their competency in teaching and nurturing the leader in your child.


The setting of the classroom and school is spacious and colourful from the walls right down to the furniture. The school is decorated with the children’s artwork and learning pictures and words, creating a safe and comfortable environment for your children to learn and explore their potential to becoming leaders.


CIC Where Leaders Are Born has 18 enrichment programmes that addresses all the basic skills a child should acquire between the ages of 3 – 6 years old such as CIC Pemimpin Muda Pintar Al-Quran, CIC New Maths, CIC Pemimpin Muda Pintar Bahasa, CIC Oxford Reading Tree and CIC Thematic Learning. These programmes teaches and exposes your children to the basics of Islamic Studies, Mathematics, and Language. From reading to writing to articulating, every programme is carefully structured to help your child progress according to their capability and ability to learn and comprehend. Every programme encourages each child to learn through play and experience.


At every quarter, parents will have the opportunity to meet with the teachers to review your child’s development and achievement both in their learning and as an individual. Parents will also receive a Communication Book to keep track of your child’s work at school. For events and outdoor programmes, parents will receive a formal memorandum with detailed information of the event or programme.


With 70 centres nationwide, it will be easy to locate a CIC Where Leaders Are Born near you. Each centre is located neither too far in the suburbs nor too deep into the city, making it convenient for you to send and pick your children up. Your children are also free from the distractions of the city, helping them flourish and develop into a leader in a secure learning environment.

CIC Where Leaders Are Born

I Feel Good

Today’s children will be the citizens of tomorrow. They are tomorrow’s parents. If they have received good education from the right hands, they in turn can carry forward this practice to their children.

If we have the will, we can develop the society for the future. If we neglect them, they can be the cause of the ruination of the society.

I discovered CIC is the perfect business for me. What about you?

Qutren Nada Ahmad

Speech by CEO


Alhamdulillah we are born as Moslem. Our children are born in our hands, Moslem families, and I know that CIC’s parents are selected parents, you are outstanding Moslems and are advanced of other parents in Malaysia generally. I am proud of you and I am very grateful to have families like you supporting CIC’s mission and vision to come true.

However I like to advise myself and you too as CIC’s families, to help ourselves and our families to reach to the level of Mokmeen because being Moslem is not enough for we will be regretful in the hereafter.

There are more criterias to be a Mokmeen. I cannot discuss in details about those criterias, and for us to understand about it, needs time and want, but as a brief, it means about real belief.

Ashabul Kahfi For Example, they are the Mokmineen mentioned in the Quran. How many of us will possess such criteria of Ashabul Kahfiwhenever we encounter the test from Allah? If we do not have real belief, we cannot reach the level of these people of Ashabul Kahfi.

As far as I know, Ashabul Kahfi are not the Prophets but just seven men who had the belief in Tawheed while their society did not.

Many more messages in Surah Al Kahfi that we must learn, like the stories of Khidr and Zul Qarnain. We are told that Surah Al Kahfi has priviledges. But how many of us really understand about the messages in it?

My point is to emphasize that we parents have to help ourselves and families to reach to the Level Of Mokmineen before death comes to us and to reach that, the path is not easy. How we have to struggle for physical attainment, the Struggle For Our Iman is even more difficult.

Remember, Allah Will Not Only Test the previous generations like Ashabul Kahfi but Allah Will Test Us also. He will test our belief the same he test the past generation so that in the Hereafter we will stand in front of Him with equal chance!

Therefore, we have to continue to seek knowledge, what we had learnt in schools, universities, mosques are not enough to be a Mokmeen. Seek Knowledge, Ikhlas and being Humble, only then, we are on our way to become Mokmeen. Being ikhlas and humble is essential because wal iya zubillah we do not want to be like Iblis who is proud of himself and thinks that he is better than Adam and because of that pride, he is kufur, did not obey Allah to prostrate before Adam.

People say, “Some Love Lasts A Lifetime, True Love Lasts Forever”. Let us give to our families the gift that is not only lasts a lifetime but lasts forever, give the gift of Iman and we can leave the rest to Allah!

At CIC, we tried to do so many things to give the Gifts That Last Forever for our children. Our team from the HQ to the centres, all hands in hands had given a lot of efforts to make our mission and vision successful. I am grateful to have them around me. We spent a lot in the trainings, hoping that the crews will give back to the children. Some crews remain, some leave for whatever reason, we know that the trainings we give will last forever and will help to create better society in the future.

CIC’s Blossom Project is one of our efforts to give the Gifts That Last Forever to the children. We did Hi-Tea And the Blossom Walk, and many more activities.

Again I am grateful to have all of you, the CIC’s families who are very attentive, I hope all of you will be with us to promote and create awareness to the people to stop the child abuse and give more rights to the children including the right to have better education.

(Qutren Nada Ahmad)