Fathers’ Day Celebration

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  • Fathers’ Day Celebration
  • 19 June 20


Active children do better at school. We all know children need to play, to run, to jump and have fun. We also know that parent-teacher engagement will make the students more active. Our teachers’ show is about all these things! Check our event out! Take your kids to our Teachers’ Show Performances 2018 this 3rd and 4th August! Friday 3rd August 2018 9.00am-12.00pm | 2pm-5pm Saturday 4th August 2018 9.00am-12.00pm | 2pm-5pm Tickets: RM59 (Single) RM88 (Mom + 1 kid) RM115 (Mom + 2 kids) RM150 (Mom + 3 kids) Open to all ladies / mommies / teenagers / girls / and boys below 12 years old. No male adults 😃 because girls and mommies wanna have fun together! To purchase tickets, visit or call our HQ 03-8687 6999 / nearest centres! We are ready to help you! #TeachersShow2018 #CICWhereLeadersAreBorn #TogetherWeDevelopYoungLeaders

Parents – Teachers Meeting 25th – 28th July 2018

Connecting home & school makes us a great community of learners!

We believed that you shall want to know about your child’s progress in any related skills build up in CIC within the six months.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a cordial invitation to welcome you to CIC 2nd Quarter Parents-Teachers Meeting (PTM) 2018. This is an opportunity for you to learn about the academic, behavioral, and social well-being of your child and to clarify any related questions or concerns about his/her current performance at CIC.

*Kindly check the schedule from your child CIC’s Centre

EARLY BIRD OFFER 2019 FROM NOW – 31st JULY . Hurry UP!!!


Dear Parents,
New Registration for 2019 Intake is now open! Enjoy special discount for
Early Bird Registration.
Early Bird Promotion ends 31st July, 2018. New 2019 intake starts soon.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy our SPECIAL OFFER for next year. Visit our center for briefing session with our team.

Monday-Friday: 8.30am – 5:30pm
Saturday : 8:30am – 1:30pm
Public Holiday: Closed

Call: +603-86876999 (CIC HQ)
Website: www.cic.com.my
