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Our honorable guests,YB Datuk Mas Ermieyati binti Samsudin

(Deputy Minister of Tourism and Culture Malaysia), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

Assalamualaikum wrt

Thank you for choosing to spend your time with us here especially when I, myself cannot manage to go to each area for such a celebration.

When I started CIC 20 years ago, we had a very small event but as CIC grows to 70 centres today, I am no longer able to attend too many celebrations like this due to time constraint. In addition, it is unreasonably costly to conduct multiple events especially when we want to have a great one.

Time runs very fast at CIC when early of the year, we struggled to ensure every child was happy with the new environment while focusing on the quality of learning.

While regulating and monitoring the compliance of each centre, we were untiringly engaged with a series of teachers’ training.

As for the children, with a diverse of thematic learning, they were involved in the CIC Pocket activities and few educational trips.

Soon came the mid year, we were busy with sports day and during the month of Ramadhan, we had Nuzul Quran and Khatam event and a number of Ramadhan Roadshows and Haiya Bid Doa Contest.

All activities are to give exposure and learning experiences to our young leaders. In August, we had more of spelling contests and Merdeka Roadshows.

Towards end of the year we were occupied with students performance evaluation and intensive learning to catch up on all lesson plans. And last but not least, the Convo preparation. After this week, we will have Year End Ihtifal at every center and soon after school ends, we will start with teachers training for next year’s teaching plan and soon, we will prepare to receive the new students who will start their orientation on 15th Dec, just about 5 weeks from now.

And I must tell you, next year we will have Dream Big as the theme. We have planned many interesting activities related to that. Among the activities are the KLCC Challenge, My First Robot, Engineers at Work, Architects at Work, etc etc.. Make sure your children will not miss out!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In fact time does not run, but flies when you work at CIC! With a busy schedule, CIC is already 21 years old. Alhamdulillah not many companies are able to sustain after 5 or 10 years, let alone 20 years. We owe this success to our customers who trust us. Alhamdulillah, from the first batch of customers we had, until now, we have helped more than 40,000 families.

Maybe the number is not huge compared to other large companies in other industries. Neither are we so big that we can spend lavishly on our 20th anniversary. Some companies spend a lot even for their 10th anniversary. But CIC cannot afford to spend lavishly.

Our profit which is just enough for the operation cost with slim profit margin does not allow us to even spend on our anniversary.

However Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, we have managed to spend on lots of trainings to our teachers.. and in 20 years, we managed to give a stable employment to many people. Quite a number of our teachers worked with us for many many years, and some of them have retired with the opportunity to open a CIC of their own under our franchise program. Alhamdulillah it shows that CIC is barakah.

Not only have we helped with the employment, more importantly CIC has helped many thousands of children to have a very wonderful childhood. They started with positive happy high performing environment and the first batch of our children have already completed their university studies with flying colors.

Even though we cannot afford to celebrate our anniversary, we are very grateful to see these children successful. We hope we can do more for them especially if we have more time.

I still remember last 2 years, on this same stage (last year we did our Convo at different place). But last 2 years we did it here. I still remember how an autistic child happened to throw a tantrum when other children were performing. The beautiful part was how the other children accepted the difference that their friend had. They were calm and continued performing even when their friend took the microphone and continued throwing a tantrum. Seeing this, I felt so proud of these CIC’s young leaders that they managed to control the situation, being more adult than some adults, accepted differences and loved without condition.

We need to learn from these children. We must learn to accept differences. In this way the world will become a beautiful place to live in.

This is what we want to have at our school. Diversity. Accept differences. Multicultural ready. This is what most of our schools even high performing schools in Malaysia lack of. Research shows that almost all of our kebangsaan or jenis kebangsaan schools do not prepare the students to be multicultural ready. While in this global village, those students who are multicultural ready will have a big advantage and will have a higher chance to become more successful.

Saidina Ali KW said, “Give the education of future to your children”. We hope our children are more advanced than us. Today they are talking about Artificial Intelligence and many new technology. Why not give the opportunity to our children to go the highest possible of future education?

We believe our school offers that future education. To continue to give more to our children and hoping we can continue the excellence of CIC to the next stage, we have established Abedeen International School. We are very proud that in its first year it received an award of Corporate Social Responsibility Leadership due to the fact that Abedeen’s facilities and standard is as high as the 1st tier International School however the fees are as affordable as the 4th tier of International School.

Hope to see your children at Abedeen just because the excellence must be continued.

Finally I want to congratulate our young leaders, parents and teachers for the success of completing this year’s lessons and making our 6 year old children CIC’s preschool graduates!

I am sure it is never easy but we have made it together! Together we develop young leaders!

Wabillahi taufiq..

Thank you again